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Range and global distribution
Quality Policy and ISO Certification
The purpose of the following Policy is to guide the company towards the continuous improvement of its performance in terms of effectiveness and efficiency, while simultaneously aiming for Customer satisfaction.
The objective of adopting a quality management system in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 is to have a management system that fosters continuous corporate improvement with increasing:
- Customer and market satisfaction in relation to their needs;
- Competitiveness relative to competitors in an increasingly demanding market;
- Satisfaction of stakeholders (owners, collaborators, customers, suppliers, etc.) in relation to their expectations;
- Efficiency and effectiveness of business processes;
- Appropriateness to the goals and context of Policrom, supporting its strategic directions;
- Response, through appropriate actions, to the impacts that climate change has on business processes and the impact that the company itself has on the environment, considering these aspects in the analysis of its corporate context and in stakeholders’ expectations.
The implementation of this Policy requires that processes be monitored over time, also through numerical and measurable indices, some of which will be compared with reference objectives determined by the Management itself and agreed upon with the Heads of each corporate Function.
It is necessary that this Policy be implemented, disseminated, and understood among all those who can contribute to its realization, and that everyone actively participates through proposals and suggestions for the constructive improvement of corporate performance.
Management commits to:
- Providing and developing the necessary resources and technical, economic, and human skills to ensure the execution of business processes in accordance with planned requirements and reference standards;
- Ensuring a work environment that respects the safety and rights and duties of all stakeholders;
- Periodically verifying the effectiveness and application of the Quality Management System in relation to corporate objectives, market needs, reference requirements, and through certification by an internationally accredited and recognized body;
- Ensuring compliance with and application of binding and/or sector-specific regulations, aware of the importance of adhering to the suggested requirements, with direct feedback in the performance of its activities.
Corporate policies related to specific areas deemed improvable are discussed and updated as needed in specific meetings with the involved Responsible parties, and in any case, during Management review sessions.
Specific correction or improvement objectives are updated and verified at least through the Management Review process.
It is highlighted that the proper functioning of the Management System and its improvement requires the direct commitment and active involvement of everyone in a preventive and continuous improvement perspective.